Speak to a saint 0800 206 2605

We're no saints
But when it comes to safety, we know the holy grail

We take the time to listen and get to know you and your business.

Saint Safety will help you get it right the first time. As a multi-disciplinary Health and Safety Consultancy based in the East of England with national operations, we’ll help you to create a health and safety plan that’s tailored to the needs of your business.

OUR commandments


Thou shall always be approachable

We’re here to help, not judge. We take the time to listen and really get to know you and your business.

Thou shall share thy experience

We’ll use our experience and industry knowledge to create a health and safety plan that suits your needs.

Thou shall always be fresh

As a team, we attend regular professional development sessions and courses to ensure we’re up-to-date with the latest changes within the industry and legislation.

Supporting our clients